Having been flattened by some horrid flu bug last week that left me with only just enough energy to lift a book (lucky). I took to my bed armed with copious amounts of tissues, water, cough medicine oh and of course books. Could have found the toilet paper hat very useful too! curtesy of
Restless by William Boyd
"During the long hot summer of 1976, Ruth Gillmartin discovers that her very English mother, Sally, is really Eva Delectoskaya, a Russian émigré and one time spy."
Engleby by Sebastian Faulks
When the novel opens in the 1970s, he is a university student, having survived a "traditional" school. A man devoid of scruple or self-pity, Engleby provides a disarmingly frank account of English education.
The Almost Moon by Alice Seabold
Clair Knightly and her daughter Helen are locked in a relationship so unrelenting that it has sucked the air out of both of their lives.
Ghost story by Toby Litt
Agatha and Paddy were to have a baby. They bought a new house on the south coast. But then something happened and they found they couldn't fill their new home - no matter how they tried.
almost moon looks like an awesome book. i'll add it to my list!
haha. That toilet paper hat is awesome!
I would def give the almost moon a try in fact I can send you mine Elizabeth if you want it! maybe would can start a book share!
Thea I think I might just have to make one of these hats but won't do my bed cred any good how sexy can you get!! mind you my red nose could light up Sydney Harbout at the momnet:)
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